How to beat angry birds friends tournament level 4 6/18/2018
How to beat angry birds friends tournament level 4 6/18/2018

  • Terence is truly massive, and can plow through multiple buildings provided you take proper advantage of the terrain features so he can throw his weight around.
  • The black bomb bird can take a big bite out of sctructures, particularly good against ones with a strong base that's hard to budge.
  • It's crazy looping manometer can be helpful if mastered properly.
  • The new silver bird is perfect for taking out stone.
  • The matronly white bird, Matilda, drops an egg from above, which is good for hitting TNT crates nestled between two other structures.
  • how to beat angry birds friends tournament level 4 6/18/2018

  • The red bird's yell is particularly good a knocking down strong structures.
  • The yellow one (Chuck) breaks through wood, in addition to its speedy dash ability.
  • how to beat angry birds friends tournament level 4 6/18/2018

    The strength of each is identified in the tutorials and through the handy tips between levels, but as a quick reminder:

    how to beat angry birds friends tournament level 4 6/18/2018

    Since stages are now more or less randomized, your only real tool in winning these stages is knowing which bird to use when.

    How to beat angry birds friends tournament level 4 6/18/2018