You have Maintenance, Debloat, and Customization. The left side has the categories with their corresponding actions. WinClean has several scripts designed to perform the compiled tweaks WinClean's interface is organized, and the layout features a dual pane. Even sysadmins will enjoy the features offered. 2.99 is the last free version and is unsupported it is available from the MajorGeeks download location.WinClean is designed to be easy enough to utilize for any user type.

many export formats - save the whole family as HTML website, XML, CSV, tiny Tafel and more - save reports as a word document, RTF file or even for LaTeX, save family trees and statistics as a bitmap, jpeg, png and more.GEDCOM support - import and export whole family in GEDCOM format for data exchange with other programs or family researchers.navigator - click through your ancestors.auto-completion function - for input fields (birth name, places, occupation, religion) to avoid mistyping.graphical trees - generate impressive ancestor and descendant trees.

Many import and export features make it easy to share data with others (GEDCOM, HTML, and more). Ahnenblatt is a free and easy-to-use genealogy app designed to manage your genealogy data and generate reports and graphical trees.